
JsonL Generator for API Queries to MongoDB Database

This program is a desktop tool that allows users to generate jsonL files to train a model with ADA (deprecated) and Babbage-002 by OpenAI. Currently, four types are supported: Clients, Articles, Delivery Notes and Finance Questions. There is a last tab to upload the training to OpenAI.



  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Make sure you have Python and Tkinter installed.
  3. Run python main.py to start the program.


  1. Add your private key from OpenAI.
  2. Click on the upload files button.
  3. Choose a characteristic name for the model.
  4. Send the two files to perform the final training.

API Connection

This training is specifically designed to create API URLs that connect to this project: API Docker Ngrok.

This is the main project: Chatbot StreamLit

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Get in touch

Email me at gorka@iand.dev gorka@iand.dev link