Real State AI

Real Estate Search Engine for Andorra


Our Real Estate Search Engine is a cutting-edge platform designed specifically for the Andorran property market. Utilizing a fine tuned model from OpenAI (babbage-02), the search engine offers unprecedented precision and speed. This innovative approach ensures that users receive the most relevant results quickly and efficiently, more than using traditional SQL agents or directly generating SQL from a large language model (LLM).


Why a Fine-Tuned Model?

Choosing a fine-tuned model over traditional SQL agents or directly generating SQL from a large language model (LLM) presents several advantages:

Example of a traning data:

{"prompt": "Penthouses for sale in Les Bons less than 400000 €%", "completion": "location=33&transaction_type=1&property_type=15&maxprice=400000%"}
{"prompt": "Lofts for sale in Ordino%", "completion": "location=5&transaction_type=1&property_type=18%"}



Experience our Real Estate Search Engine firsthand at rs.iand.dev. U will need to authenticate with Google, Github, or your email with Clerk to access the platform.

GitHub Last Commit

Get in touch

Email me at gorka@iand.dev gorka@iand.dev link